
Ballet Tips & Life Lessons

What I learn as a ballet dancer and teacher often applies to life outside the studio.

Zoom: Almost a Year of Teaching Ballet On-line

“Hi Guys, how are your bodies feeling? Can you hear me okay?” It’s Tuesday night just before 6:00pm and my students are joining my on-line class on Zoom. A couple of students log in from Hawaii from work on their lunch break, six hours behind New York. Others are in…

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Live Music Makes You Move

Live Music Makes You Move I love music. Music soothes. It lulls babies (and me) to sleep. It comforts, cheers and invigorates. It is there for me at the first sign of romance and there again when I’m breaking up. It provides the soundtrack to the city I love as…

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How We See Ourselves

How We See Ourselves Ballet studios all have mirrors to help us learn to dance. When you look in the mirror, be kind to yourself no matter what vision you see staring back at you. Even if you are a professional or you have been at this for years, or…

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The Wonder of Beginners

The Wonder of Beginners Brand new dancers come to my open level ballet class embarrassed for not knowing what to do. How can you know, I ask, it is your first time. I reassure them not to worry, to copy the shapes we are making with our bodies. They watch…

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Beauty From Darkness

Beauty From Darkness When dancers are new to ballet they are so critical of themselves. “Good job”, I tell them. They make a face. They expect to get it perfectly the first time. “Don’t be afraid of not knowing”, I want to tell them. I’m not saying don’t ask questions…

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Welcome to Ballet: Notes to Dancers

Welcome to Ballet: Notes to Dancers 1. The hardest thing you did today was to come to ballet class. You made it. Congratulations. Everything else is extra credit. 2. The second hardest thing you did was to climb the stairs. 🙂 3. Welcome! This is an open level class. There…

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